SMS VIP Campaigns
Jul 01, 2017
Restaurant, E-commerce, and Retail business with a physical store listen up. Everyone wants to feel important, they want to feel like they are the special one getting the deal no one else gets.
Now it’s even more of a struggle to get your deals and promotions in front of those golden clients. Especially when they have thousands of other promotions in front of their face and cluttering their phone every day.
I have helped multiple businesses create a VIP Club as their SMS Marketing Strategy. They offer an instant or lifetime percentage off for members, regular deals crafted just for them, and include a way for people to opt-in.
When creating a texting VIP club you are creating a direct line of communication to your customer's phone, that they want! There are no spam or promotion filters to block your message. With texting you have that 100% open rate and 98% read rate, so your clients will get your text promotion every time.
A brand-new fitness supplement company only open for a few months sent a text message to about 600 people letting them know about their brand-new VIP Club. Within 3 days they had over 250 opt-ins and had generated over 45 sales between $40-$200 a sale.
I helped a local tire company do the same thing and they had over a 60% opt-in rate from their existing clients! They have been sending VIP texts all year and have had a huge ROI.
With a VIP club, you can provide deals, promotions, and other incentives to your members all year long without worrying about your customers getting annoyed because they wanted to get the deals.
Here are some things to know when starting a VIP texting club.
Keyword opt-in
Read more about how to choose your Keyword with my post
Depending on what your business depends on how often you should be texting your VIP members.
This is one of the few business that can get away with sending deals once a week. This is due to the fact that people can go to the same restaurant every day and buy without running out of a product. Send a weekly deal like “come in and show this text for a free drink this week!”
Stores selling online should be sending monthly deals and promotions to all their VIP clubs. Make sure you put the link in the text to take them directly to the checkout page to make it easy for them to buy.
Sending promotions should be at most every two weeks. This is a great way to get people to come into your store without spamming peoples phone. The text could look like “hey come in today and get 25% off storewide! Thanks for being a great customer!”
Holiday & Birthday
Looking for an extra reason to touch base with your clients and customer with your VIP club? Using the power of texts for special occasions such as holidays and birthdays, you’ll find that you build a stronger loyalty and passion for your company and brand. Send out your Black Friday deals or holiday specials right to their phone
If you want more Strategies, Scripts, and Best Practices check out my SMS Marketing Academy